Want to register a company in Beijing, Fangshan District, how to do a good registration? What are the steps required for a registered company in Beijing? Beijing company registration procedures and procedures to share small to everyone.
In simple terms the following:
核對公司名稱——網上登記——交工商設立資料——拿營業執照—— 刻章——辦組織機構代碼證——辦稅務登記證——開基本戶(納稅戶)。
Check the name of the company - Online Registration - the establishment of industrial and commercial information - take the business license - engraved chapter - do organization code certificate - do tax registration certificate - open the basic household (tax payer).
Fangshan District Beijing registered company
The Beijing green Hua enterprise management as we detailed registered company procedures:
Step 1: nuclear name
At least 10 names are required. Business class, science and technology is more appropriate. For the nuclear name once passed, if not, but also to wait for a 1-3 working days to re submit. Time consuming.
The second step: take the nuclear name
Because the nuclear name can not be shot on the spot, the need for time audit. According to the trade and Industry Bureau of the end date to take. If the same name is the first step.
The third step: accept business license
This is a new license after three certificates. Prepare a pile of data received by the business sector audit.
The fourth step: get a business license
Generally 5 working days, some areas longer time, basically 7 working days must be down. If the audit passes.
The fifth step: engraved chapter
To the public security bureau had the record engraved chapter seal engraving company. With the license and ID card, engraved chapter will scan your information to the Public Security Bureau engraved chapter background. This process often takes 30 minutes.
The sixth step: bank account
Each company must have a basic household. Otherwise, the late filing information can not be filled, the tax can not be deducted.
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